
Vol. 86 n. 1, 2015
High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa 2014: A multi-frequency perspective of new frontiers in High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa
Boyden Observatory, April 24-25, 2014
B. van Soelen and P.J. Meintjes
Index | |
B. van Soelen and P. J. Meintjes | Foreword |
List of participants |
Session I: Extra-galactic: review
C. D. Dermer | The blazar paradigm and its discontents |
Session II: Extra-galactic
R. J. Britto, S. Razzaque and B. Lott on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration | Spectral studies of FSRQs: constraining absorption models in the BLR at GeV energies |
L. Klindt, B. van Soelen, P.J. Meintjes | Unidentified Active Galactic Nuclei in the Fermi 2LAC catalogue: identification of candidate sources |
P. V. van Zyl and M. J. Gaylard | Examining the radio to gamma-ray correlation of the blazar PKS 1424-418 during its flaring state |
N. Oozeer, T. Mauch and R. Booth | Blazar monitoring with KAT-7: PKS1510-089 a test case |
Session III: Transients and surveys
M. J. Gaylard | Opportunities for radio observations of southern sources |
D. A. H. Buckley and Kulinder Pal Singh | Multi-wavelength studies of accretion phenomena with SALT and ASTROSAT |
Session IV: Galactic
C. Venter | The expected very-high-energy flux from a population of globular clusters |
B. van Soelen, R.P. Armstrong, P. Väisänen, I. Sushch, A. Odendaal and P.J. Meintjes | Multi-wavelength observations of PSR B1259-63 during the 2014 periastron passage |
J. M. Maritz, P. J. Meintjes and S.J. Buchner | Multi-wavelength analysis of young pulsars: an overview |
P. J. Meintjes and E. Breedt | Magnetic viscosity: outbursts and outflows in accretion driven systems |
Session V: Galactic/LMC/SMC
R. N. C. Eze | Suzaku observations of Fe Kα line in some hard X-ray emitting symbiotic stars and magnetic cataclysmic variables |
A. Odendaal and P. J. Meintjes | Multiwavelength variability in CAL 83 |
Session VI: Galactic/LMC/SMC
B. Warner and P. A. Woudt | V842 Cen: high energy modulations hidden by a false negative |
H. J. van Heerden and P. J. Meintjes | Fermi-LAT analysis and upper-limit calculations for AE Aquarii |
A. F. Rajoelimanana and P. A. Charles | Multi-wavelength study of X-ray binaries in the Magellanic clouds |
B. van Soelen and P. J. Meintjes | The GeV flare in PSR B1259-63 during the 2010/2011 periastron passage |
B. Warner | Aspects of observations and evolution of AM CVn stars |